Lingsoft offers agile translation, subtitling and transcription services as well as diverse speech recognition and text analytics solutions.
We have helped Lingsoft over the years to build a robust cloud-based Artificial Intelligence platform to serve Lingsoft and its customers with state of the art speech recognition (ASR), machine translation (ML), text analysis and large language model (LLM) tools.
Platform provides well defined APIs that client applications utilize to automate tasks such as transcription, translation, subtitling, diarisation, anonymization, and summarization to name a few. In addition to that, the platform provides data secure ways to use the API services and comprehensive statistics of the use of it.
Extensive range of language services, versatile language technology solutions, AI
Development lead and management, Service Architecture, Software Development
NodeJS, Python, MongoDB, Angular, TypeScript, Docker, Kubernetes
Account manager
Mika Willberg
Our work has included lead position of the platform, product management, architecture design, and back-end & front-end development. We have helped to continuously improve the platform, accelerate the productivity of the development teams, and strengthen the development teams with key positions.
The Platform incorporates state of the art products for speech recognition, machine translation, text analysis and LLMs, some of them are well-known third-party tools, some of them developed by Lingsoft. Each tool is integrated with the platform using the APIs of the platform.
The platform hides the language tools behind general purpose APIs for speech recognition, subtitling, diarization, machine translation, anonymization and LLMs. Running language services require a lot of CPU and memory resources. Scaling and optimization of the use are important aspects of the implementation of the APIs. APIs share the same pattern for use and are easy to integrate into client applications.
For the use of the services of the platform, User Interfaces are provided to the end users, and business systems are integrated to use its API services. The platform is highly configurable to meet the different needs of end-users.