Register and privacy policy

This is a registry and Privacy Statement in accordance with Arado's EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Effective as of May 6th 2021. Latest changes done on June 24th 2024.

Register's keeper

Arado Oy, Tykistökatu 4, 20520 Turku

Contact person

Anssi Soinu,, +358 40 178 0300.

The name of the register

The register for job applicants of Arado.

The purpose of processing personal data

The purpose of the job application register is to receive, process and store job applications from jobseekers who are interested in Arado Oy as an employer. The applicant can assign the application to the desired job position or submit an open application. Human resources personnel can also combine the application with any other suitable job.

Applicant information will always be kept confidential and application information provided by applicants will not be disclosed outside the recruitment process. Confidentiality means that candidate information is only available to those who are authorized to use it (human resources and recruitment staff).

The data is not used for automated decision making or profiling.

Retention of the personal data

We will retain personal data for as long as is necessary for the purpose for which it is used, only if the job seeker consents to the storage and use of personal data also in subsequent recruitment processes. In this case, the information can be used for one (1) year in recruitment processes. The data will be destroyed within two (2) years at the latest. If a job seeker becomes our employee, we will retain the information he or she provides as a job seeker and related to the job search as part of his or her personnel profile in accordance with our employee information policy.

Content of the register

The information content of the register is the information provided by the job seeker in the application itself and its appendices, as well as the additional information recorded by Arado during the recruitment process.

The register stores the following information about the job seeker that is necessary for the recruitment process and the job:

  • Full name
  • Time of birth
  • Sex
  • Mother tongue
  • Contact information
    - Email
    - Phone number
    - City
    - Address
  • Information related to the open position, such as the form of the employment.
  • The responsible person for the job application process. More detailed information can be found in the job application.
  • Other information provided by the job seeker to the controller during the job search process about himself / herself, background, etc. such as photography, study and other training information, occupation, employment history (such as employers, starting and duration of employment and quality of work), language skills, other skills, personal various certificates and assessments, as well as references to portfolios, profiles or other sources found on the Internet, and references.
  • Information about the progress of the job seeker's recruitment process, such as information about an upcoming follow-up interview or interruption of the recruitment process.
  • The information generated by the Arado recruitment process, such as interview and test information.
  • Any other information voluntarily provided by the job seeker himself / herself in the course of the job search process or data collected by the controller separately with the consent of the data subject.

Regular sources of information

The information stored in the register can be obtained from e-mails sent to Job seeker information is stored in Arado's Notion cloud service. The information security of the system is taken care of by the service provider on a contractual basis.

The information of the person selected for the job is stored in the systems necessary for the employment relationship when the employment contract is drawn up and when the employment relationship begins. There is a separate privacy statement for the processing of this information.

Regular transfers of data and transfers of data outside the EU or the EEA

Recruitment information is for Arado's internal use only. The personal data of job seekers stored in the register will be disclosed to persons handling recruitment within Arado with the consent of the job seeker. The information is not in general disclosed to other parties. Information may be published to the extent agreed with the job seeker.

We disclose personal data in a manner permitted and required by applicable law to parties with a legal and / or contractual right to access the register.

The data in the Arado registry is hosted on a cloud service whose servers may be located outside the EU or the EEA in the United States.

Registry security principles

The register is handled with care and the information processed by the information systems is properly protected according to the roles. When registry information is stored on servers, the physical and digital security of their hardware is adequately taken care of. The controller shall ensure that the data stored, as well as the access rights to the servers and other information critical to the security of personal data, are treated confidentially and only by the employees whose job description it includes.

Right of inspection and right to request correction of information

Every person in the register has the right to check the information stored in the register and to request the correction of any incorrect information or the completion of incomplete information. If a person wishes to check the data stored about him or her or request a correction, the request must be sent in writing to the registrar at The controller will respond to the customer within the timeframe set out in the EU Data Protection Regulation (generally within one month).

Other rights related to the processing of personal data

Personal data will only be processed for the purpose mentioned in the section "Purpose of processing personal data". Personal data will not be disclosed for direct marketing or other secondary purposes and will not be used for automatic decision making (eg profiling).

A person in the register has the right to request the removal of personal data concerning him or her from the register. Data subjects also have other rights under the EU General Data Protection Regulation such as restricting the processing of personal data in certain situations. Requests must be sent in writing to the registrar at The controller will respond to the customer within the time limit set by the EU Data Protection Regulation (generally within one month).

The data subject has the right to refer a matter concerning the lawfulness of the processing of his or her personal data to the Data Protection Commissioner.

Changes to the registry and privacy statement

Arado reserves the right to change this Privacy Statement when the legislation changes or to develop its business operations. Arado shall post the revised Policy on the same webpage where it published this Policy. Arado may also use email or other means for notifying job applicants of such policy changes. The revised Policy (or, as applicable, the new one) will be effective when posted as described unless the document itself specifies a later time for its entry into force.

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